How to prepare your child for musical success


Where they practice and how they practice make huge impacts on your young musician.

Your student’s time with their teacher will build the foundation for a life-long musical journey. But a weekly lesson is only one ingredient for their success. Their biggest steps forward may come from spending time with their teacher, but the time spent between lessons is just as important!

But what is the best way to practice? And how can you make sure they are getting the most out of their time? Here are some tips for making sure your child gets the most out of their lessons.

Be ready to learn

Whether you have a dedicated music room or a keyboard on the kitchen table, when it’s time for your lesson or for practice, your space should be quiet and free from visual distractions. That means the TV and radio are off, and siblings are occupied with other quieter activities. 

Make sure you come prepared for each lesson. Have your music books, a notebook, pencils, and highlighters close at hand. 

Practice makes perfect

Your teacher will help your child build a practice schedule based on their age and skill-level, and it’s important to follow their advice! Just like their lesson, practice time should be free from noise and distraction. 

As a parent, I know it can be tough to fit in long, dedicated practice times throughout the week. The good news is, that’s not strictly necessary. The most important ingredient for success isn’t duration of practice, it’s actually frequency! Even just 10-15 minutes per day will make a HUGE difference. 

It’s a lot easier to schedule 15 minutes of practice at a regular time each day than an hour the night before their lesson. Luckily, that’s more effective, too!

How can I help?

It’s also important for your child to receive feedback from you. Listen to your child’s practice at the beginning and end of the week and comment positively on their progress. Let their practice time not only be an opportunity for their growth, but also a chance to demonstrate how hard they are working. 

Positive feedback is fundamental. Give it freely and cheer them on every step of the way!
